Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sideways + Merlot = Bad wrap

These days it seems as though everyone is influenced by what other people have to say, even fictional characters. Well, I am proud to be one of those people that like to form my own opinion... ie. When the movie Sideways was released a few years back Merlot got a bad wrap because of the fact that the main characters ex-wife enjoyed drinking it, there fore he refused to. This is a fact: The sale of Merlot plummited because of that movie. Now, I personally have had good and bad experiences with merlot just like any other varietals I have encountered, but there are great merlot's out there, and I encourage you to try a few.
I guess what I am trying to get at is, some people just need to make up their own fucking minds as opposed to listening to what everyone else has to say! What do you think?

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